My primary school teacher once said something that has stuck with me for life: She said, “There are three kinds of people in this world: people who make it happen, people who watch what happens, and people who wonder what happened.” Although this quote is originally...
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Marketing Is About Doing: Marketing Tactics To Take Action
Did you know that I can give you all the marketing advice in the world, but if you choose not to take action, then the advice becomes useless. The best marketing tactics in the world will never work if you don’t actually implement them. These are the biggest mistakes...
Why You Need To Use A Call To Action
Are you lucky enough to have mind readers for clients? No, I didn’t think so! Because they aren’t mind readers, you need to help them out by telling them what you expect them to do. The way to do this is to include a Call to Action in all of your communications. So...
Are You A “Make It Happen” Person?
My primary school teacher once said something that has stuck with me for life: She said, “There are three kinds of people in this world: people who make it happen, people who watch what happens, and people who wonder what happened.” Although this quote is originally...
Marketing Is About Doing: Marketing Tactics To Take Action
Did you know that I can give you all the marketing advice in the world, but if you choose not to take action, then the advice becomes useless. The best marketing tactics in the world will never work if you don’t actually implement them. These are the biggest mistakes...
Why You Need To Use A Call To Action
Are you lucky enough to have mind readers for clients? No, I didn’t think so! Because they aren’t mind readers, you need to help them out by telling them what you expect them to do. The way to do this is to include a Call to Action in all of your communications. So...
Selling Techniques To Avoid Being a Sleazy Salesperson
Do you think sleazy salespeople died out in the 80s when certain used-car-salesmen retired? You would be wrong! Alright, so they don’t wear loud shirts, or have creepy moustaches (that we know of), and they don’t strut the floor of a car sales yard any more. But...