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Revisit Your Marketing Strategy: A Simple Guide to Boost Your Business
It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind of running a business, but when was the last time you took a step back to review your marketing strategy? Regularly revisiting your marketing approach is key to staying competitive and hitting your business goals....
Simplifying the Complexities of Marketing: A Plain English Approach
Marketing can often feel like a daunting and complex task, especially in today's competitive landscape. As a professional looking to grow your business and establish yourself as a trusted authority in your industry, it's essential to have a clear understanding of...
How Marketing Is Changing
Marketing is a different world these days. Just a few decades ago, it was enough to list your business in the Yellow Pages and do a letterbox pamphlet drop with some persuasive copy. Now, there are dozens of marketing platforms, and the big wide world is just a post...
Will Marketing Become Obsolete?
Marketing looks a whole lot different now than it did just a few generations ago. While Boomers and Gen Xers watched ads on TV and used the yellow pages to find businesses, Millennials and Gen Z are firmly in the digital age. But with the rapid evolution of technology...
Why Referral Partnerships Are An Essential Marketing Strategy
These days, we hear a lot about social media and email marketing. While these channels are essential parts of a good marketing strategy, they are not the only ways to achieve your marketing goals. There is another marketing strategy that is affordable, sustainable,...
How Do Marketing And Sales Work Together?
Which is more important, sales or marketing? Should you focus your energy more on marketing your business, or invest your time and money into making sales? This conundrum has been around as long as the old “chicken or the egg” question, and the answer can be just as...
5 Tips For Building Resilience In Marketing
It takes a certain kind of person to be successful at marketing – especially with what’s been going on in the world over the last few years! Things change rapidly, well laid-out plans go out the window, and it can be hard to keep up with all the new marketing...
Who Is Your Anti Ideal Client?
Don’t you just hate ideal client exercises? Every marketer talks about the importance of identifying your ideal client. But creating a vision of this fictitious person can feel less like a productive marketing activity and more like a homework assignment. While ideal...
How To Sustain A Successful Marketing Strategy
Are you one of those people who get enthusiastic about trying new things, but take on too much and end up feeling overwhelmed, finding yourself back at square one? When it comes to creating a marketing strategy for your business, it’s tempting to want to jump in and...
When Is It Time To Ask For Help Marketing Your Business?
As business owners, we are used to doing everything ourselves. From bookkeeping and admin work to marketing and customer relations, we switch roles dozens of times throughout the week. This multi-tasking hustle is par for the course for many small business owners,...